Title: Wyatt Russell Reveals Role in Upcoming Marvel Film, Talks Collaboration with Father Kurt on ‘Monarch: Legacy of Monsters’
Wyatt and Kurt Russell recently sat down for an engaging conversation at 92NY, where they discussed their joint project, Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, and shared exciting news about Wyatt’s involvement in an upcoming Marvel movie. The father-son duo delved into their experiences working together, their respective roles in Monarch, and the challenges of playing the same character at different stages of their lives.
During the conversation, Wyatt divulged that he has been cast in an upcoming Marvel film titled Thunderbolts. However, due to ongoing strikes, the filming has been delayed, and Wyatt has yet to read the finalized script. Nevertheless, he expressed his confidence in the film, praising the talented team behind it and applauding the unique and captivating story they have crafted.
While discussing their roles as father and son in Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, Wyatt and Kurt highlighted the intricacies of portraying the same character in different time periods. Kurt mentioned that he would watch Wyatt’s scenes closely to ensure they portrayed the character with subtle similarities, adding an extra layer of authenticity to their performances.
Reflecting on his upbringing in a family immersed in the film industry, Wyatt emphasized the ability of his parents, including Kurt, to maintain a healthy work-life balance and prioritize quality time with their children. He commended his father for going above and beyond, including negotiating a contract to fly home every night from the desert during filming to be present in their lives.
Acknowledging Wyatt’s talent as both an actor and a former professional hockey player, Kurt spoke highly of his son’s achievements. The conversation between the Russells provides a unique insight into their bond as a family and their mutual respect for each other’s dedication to their craft.
For fans eager to hear the in-depth conversation between Wyatt and Kurt Russell, they can tune in to the Happy Sad Confused podcast next week, where the full interview will be made available.
This exciting discussion not only sheds light on the collaboration behind Monarch: Legacy of Monsters but also offers a glimpse into the upcoming Marvel film featuring Wyatt Russell. Fans can look forward to seeing Wyatt’s talent showcased in Thunderbolts, alongside his father’s undeniable presence in the entertainment industry.