Title: Russia Deploys North Korean Missiles in Ongoing Conflict with Ukraine, Claims Kyiv Official
In a shocking revelation, a senior official from Kyiv has accused Russia of launching missiles supplied by North Korea during its invasion of Ukraine. Mykhailo Podolyak, the official, has described Russia’s actions as an “outright genocidal war” against Ukraine. The governor of the northeastern region of Kharkiv has also confirmed that missiles, not of Russian origin, struck his region.
While the senior Kyiv official did not provide direct evidence to support the claims of North Korean involvement, the White House has corroborated these allegations. In response to the accusations, the Kremlin has remained silent, refusing to comment on the claims made by the United States.
Adding credibility to these claims, a Dutch researcher specializing in North Korea’s military has stated that fragments from missile remnants found in Kharkiv resemble North Korean missiles. As a result, Kharkiv regional prosecutors have initiated an investigation into the origins of the three missiles used in the attack on the city, which tragically resulted in two deaths and left 62 individuals injured.
Despite Ukraine’s air force being unable to confirm the country of manufacture for these missiles, the United States has stated that the range of the North Korean missiles sent to Russia is approximately 900 kilometers (550 miles). This revelation is concerning since North Korea has been under a United Nations arms embargo since its first nuclear bomb test back in 2006. Numerous U.N. Security Council resolutions prohibit countries from engaging in weapons or military equipment trade with North Korea.
South Korean authorities have previously suggested that North Korea may have supplied short-range ballistic missiles to Russia as part of a larger arms deal. Both Russia and North Korea have consistently denied their involvement in such activities, although they have emphasized their commitment to strengthening military relations.
As tensions continue to escalate in the region, the international community must closely monitor the situation and hold the responsible parties accountable for their actions. The deployment of North Korean missiles by Russia adds another layer of complexity to an already volatile situation, further heightening concerns about the ongoing conflict.
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