Title: Bronx Day Care Owner Arrested in Covert Drug Operation, Facing Federal Murder Charges
Bronx, NY – Grei Mendez De Ventura, owner of the Divino Nino Daycare, has been arrested and is now facing federal murder charges following the disturbing discovery of a covert drug operation at her facility. Mendez De Ventura, originally from the Dominican Republic, reportedly tricked her ex-husband into a green-card marriage in order to enter the United States nine years ago.
Family members of Mendez De Ventura’s ex-husband have come forward, claiming that she married their loved one under false pretenses and subsequently led a life of debauchery. The daycare facility, which operated under the guise of a legitimate child care center, was run by Mendez De Ventura and her new husband, who is currently being sought by police.
Law enforcement officials believe that Mendez De Ventura’s husband was the ‘ring leader’ of the drug operation that was recently uncovered at the daycare facility. The shocking development came to light after one-year-old Nicholas Feliz Dominici tragically lost his life after inhaling trace amounts of fentanyl at the daycare.
In a shocking twist, investigators discovered a kilogram of the highly potent synthetic opioid at the daycare, along with other drugs. The presence of drugs at the facility has sent shockwaves through the community, raising serious questions about the safety and regulation of child care facilities. Although the daycare had previously passed a surprise inspection conducted by the city’s Department of Children and Family Service in September, this incident has led many to demand more rigorous oversight.
Responding to the news, the family of Mendez De Ventura’s ex-husband expressed their disgust towards her, describing her as a “very, very bad person” who deceived their loved one and put their family “through hell.” They also criticized the name of the facility, Divino Nino Daycare, considering it to be an insult to her ex-husband and the victim.
Mendez De Ventura and her alleged accomplice, Carlisto Acevedo Brito, have both been charged with federal offenses related to the drug operation. Meanwhile, Mendez De Ventura’s husband remains at large, prompting an ongoing search by law enforcement agencies.
In light of the tragedy, the grieving parents of Nicholas Feliz Dominici have set up a GoFundMe campaign to cover the funeral expenses. The heart-wrenching incident has mobilized the community, drawing attention to the importance of reliable and trustworthy child care facilities.
As investigations continue, community members are anxiously waiting for answers regarding the safety of their children in such establishments. The shocking discovery at the Divino Nino Daycare has underscored the need for stricter regulations, enhanced vetting processes, and increased vigilance to ensure the well-being of children under the care of such facilities.