Title: Thanksgiving Box Office: ‘The Hunger Games’ Prequel Surges Ahead, as ‘Wish’ Falls Behind
In a surprising turn of events, Disney’s highly anticipated animated film ‘Wish’ has been overshadowed by ‘The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes’ and Ridley Scott’s historical epic ‘Napoleon’ at the Thanksgiving box office.
‘The Hunger Games’ prequel, which hit theaters during the holiday season, is set to dominate the North American chart, with industry analysts projecting a staggering gross of $40 million or more for the Wednesday to Sunday timeframe. Audiences have once again flocked to the dystopian franchise, ensuring its continued success.
Meanwhile, ‘Napoleon’, starring the acclaimed Joaquin Phoenix, is locked in a fierce competition with ‘Wish’ for the second spot. The historical drama grossed an impressive $8.4 million on Friday alone, and industry experts estimate its five-day debut to reach an extraordinary $32 million to $33 million. What’s noteworthy is that ‘Napoleon’ has garnered significant attention from adult audiences, with the majority of ticket buyers aged 35 and older.
Despite initial projections that placed ‘Wish’ at the top of the Thanksgiving box office, the animated film is now expected to earn a more modest $32 million to $33 million. Tracking had initially predicted a much higher five-day gross of $45 million to $50 million, but it seems the film has fallen short of those expectations.
‘Trolls Band Together’, a production by Universal and Illumination, is estimated to secure the fourth spot with a solid five-day gross of $25.5 million. The animated feature continues to captivate audiences with its vibrant storytelling and lovable characters.
Slasher film ‘Thanksgiving’, presented by TriStar and Spyglass Media, is anticipated to round out the top five, amassing an estimated cume of $11.4 million during the five-day holiday period. Horror enthusiasts have eagerly anticipated the spine-tingling thrills this film offers.
Other notable releases include ‘The Holdovers’ from Focus Features, projected to secure seventh place with earnings of approximately $4 million during the holiday timeframe. ‘Next Goal Wins’ from Searchlight and ‘Saltburn’ from MGM/Amazon are also expected to make a mark, with projected five-day grosses in the range of $2.7 million.
In this unexpected box office battle, ‘The Hunger Games’ and ‘Napoleon’ have emerged as the frontrunners, captivating audiences of all ages. As the holiday weekend unfolds, it will be fascinating to see how these films continue to perform and entertain audiences around the nation.