Title: Chicago Centenarian Offers Insights into Healthy Aging in SuperAgers Study
Maureen Paldo, a 100-year-old woman residing in Chicago, has caught the attention of researchers for her remarkable mental and physical vitality. Still living in the home she and her husband purchased after World War II, Paldo is a perfect example of a superager – an individual aged 80 or older who exhibits the cognitive and physical abilities of someone decades younger.
As one of the participants in the SuperAgers Study, Paldo is contributing to a ground-breaking genetic investigation conducted by researchers aiming to shed light on the secrets of longevity. The study is specifically focused on understanding why some individuals live into their nineties and beyond with minimal physical or cognitive deterioration.
While genetics appears to play a significant role in superaging, the study also highlights the existence of protective inherited and natural factors that are yet to be fully explored. Notably, superagers are found to possess the APoE2 gene variant, which has been linked to a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia.
However, it is not simply genetics that contribute to healthy aging. Lifestyle choices and behaviors also emerge as crucial factors. The study has noticed how certain centenarians surpass the general population’s lifespan despite comparable rates of tobacco and alcohol use, dietary patterns, and levels of physical activity.
The ultimate goal of the SuperAgers Study is to capitalize on the knowledge gathered to create therapies based on biological mechanisms, thus enabling individuals to live healthier and longer lives. These therapies would aim to mimic the effects of longevity genes, potentially benefiting everyone seeking to enhance their overall well-being.
The research team also plans to build a biorepository of data obtained from the study, which can serve as a valuable resource for future investigations focused on healthy aging. By pooling information from thousands of individuals, scientists hope to gain further understanding of the intricate mechanisms underpinning longevity.
While Paldo attributes her own longevity to a combination of “good genes” and a healthy lifestyle, she underscores the importance of maintaining an active social life, following a balanced diet, and engaging in regular exercise as key factors in achieving healthy longevity.
With the ever-increasing burden on healthcare systems due to age-related diseases, the ultimate aim of the study is to prevent such illnesses altogether. By providing scientific evidence and cautioning against misinformation and untested supplements, the research team is striving to revolutionize the field of healthy aging.
To accomplish their ambitious goals, the SuperAgers Study team is seeking to enroll 10,000 individuals within the next two years. They encourage anyone interested in participating to join the study, thereby contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the pursuit of a healthier and longer life.
In conclusion, Maureen Paldo symbolizes the untapped potential within our older population to age with grace and vitality. Through the SuperAgers Study’s groundbreaking research, a brighter future may await us, one that allows everyone to live a life filled with health and well-being, free from the constraints of aging.