Uncertainty surrounds civilians who have gathered near the Karabakh airport, despite appeals from Karabakh officials to remain in shelters after the ceasefire announcement. The officials specifically urged residents not to leave for the local airport, which is adjacent to a Russian peacekeeping base. However, a crowd of civilians chose to disregard the advice and gathered near the airport.
Following the ceasefire declaration, officials in Karabakh made an urgent call for residents to stay in shelters for their safety. The measure was aimed at keeping people away from potential dangers, including the local airport. Despite the warnings, a group of civilians decided to gather close to the airport as the day progressed. The reasons behind their decision are as yet unclear.
The proximity of the airport to the Russian peacekeeping base raises questions about the potential support or aid that might be offered to the gathering individuals. As darkness fell hours after the ceasefire announcement, the situation became increasingly uncertain for those who had gathered near the airport. It is unclear what level of assistance or resources would be available to them during the night.
The ongoing uncertainty and potential risk have cast a shadow over the situation. It is essential that the authorities provide clarity and adequate assistance to those who have chosen to gather near the airport. The individuals’ safety and well-being must be a priority, especially considering the fragile nature of the current circumstances.
The Puck Drop will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as more information becomes available. We hope that the authorities will take necessary measures to ensure the safety of the civilians involved and provide them with the support they need during this challenging time.