Title: OceanGate Expeditions Co-Founder Plans to Establish Floating Colony on Venus by 2050
In an ambitious venture, Guillermo Söhnlein, co-founder of OceanGate Expeditions, envisions sending 1,000 humans to live in a floating colony on Venus by 2050. As the founder and chairman of Humans2Venus, a private enterprise dedicated to establishing a permanent human presence in the Venusian atmosphere, Söhnlein aims to explore the potential for human habitation on the neighboring planet.
Söhnlein’s vision is backed by NASA findings that suggest humans could potentially survive about 30 miles above the surface in a sliver of the Venusian atmosphere. However, the proposed floating colony would need to be resilient enough to withstand Venus’ hostile conditions, including its sulfuric acids and hurricane-force winds.
While Söhnlein believes the project is achievable within the next three decades, he has not provided specific details on how the colony would address these environmental challenges. Humans2Venus operates as a privately-funded venture, emphasizing the goal of making space exploration more affordable.
With a firm conviction that a private group could advocate for the vision of a Venus colony faster than NASA, Söhnlein aims to bring his dream to fruition. He co-founded OceanGate Expeditions alongside Stockton Rush, but took a step back from the venture in 2013 to pursue other endeavors.
Tragically, the recent implosion of OceanGate’s Titan submersible, designed by Stockton Rush, highlights the risks involved in pushing the boundaries of exploration. All five passengers on board lost their lives in the unfortunate incident. However, Söhnlein commends Rush’s work on the submersible and acknowledges the immense dedication and effort put into these projects.
Additionally, Söhnlein is actively involved in the WayPaver Foundation, which has provided funding for both OceanGate and Humans2Venus. It is evident that his passion for exploration and a hunger for pushing boundaries knows no bounds.
Notably, Söhnlein also holds the position of CEO at Blue Marble Exploration, a renowned exhibition company specializing in high-profile space trips. With plans to explore Dean’s Blue Hole, the world’s second-deepest marine cavern, in 2024, Söhnlein’s expertise and experience in the field are invaluable to the pursuit of his ambitious goals.
As 2050 approaches, the world eagerly anticipates the progress made by Söhnlein and his team at Humans2Venus. The establishment of a floating colony on Venus could mark a historic milestone in the exploration of our neighboring planets, opening up new possibilities and expanding our understanding of the universe. Only time will tell if this audacious dream will become a reality.