Leon, still clouded today, will continue to wait for the sun. The weather will be characterized by widespread rain. Maximum 15°C and minimum 7°C. In the morning, the temperature will be around 12°C. South-westerly winds blow gently. Expect clouds in the afternoon, and a sky still gray. The temperature ranges from 12 to 14 degrees Celsius. The ash hasn’t cleared yet and there will still be clouds in the evening. It will rain. Values are around 9°C. We will have partly cloudy nights Sunday through Monday.
The sun will be preferred tomorrow in Lyon where the clouds will be good. You should carry your umbrella to shelter from scattered rain. A drop in temperature is expected. The thermometer shows an average of 7°C. A north-west wind will freshen the atmosphere somewhat. Note the presence of clouds in the morning. Average temperature is 8 degrees Celsius. The sun will be hard to break through the clouds that linger in the afternoon. The temperature ranges from 8 to 10 degrees Celsius. There is a chance of rain tomorrow evening.
The weather will improve in the next few days. Sunny skies, with an average temperature of 9 degrees Celsius, are expected.