Title: Doja Cat’s Mother Files for Restraining Order Against Son, Alleging Abuse
Subtitle: Rapper Doja Cat’s brother accused of physical and verbal abuse, court grants temporary protection
In a shocking turn of events, the mother of popular rapper Doja Cat, whose real name is Amala Ratna Zandile Dlamini, has filed for a temporary restraining order against her son, Raman Dalithando Dlamini. The legal documents filed claim that Raman has subjected his sister to physical and verbal abuse, leaving her with cut and bruises, and even allegedly knocking out her teeth.
According to Doja’s mother, Raman has also destroyed and stolen their property, leaving the family feeling unsafe and traumatized. The allegations suggest a pattern of abuse that extends beyond just Doja Cat. Her mother accuses Raman of physically abusing and threatening her multiple times within the past year.
In a recent hearing, the judge granted Doja’s mother court-ordered protection against her son until a hearing for a permanent restraining order takes place. However, the same protection was not extended to Doja Cat herself, and she will need to file her own request for a restraining order.
Interestingly, it was revealed that Doja’s mother had obtained a previous restraining order against Raman, which had since expired. The decision to file for another one suggests ongoing tensions within the family.
The shocking allegations made by Doja Cat’s mother against her son have left fans and the public concerned. The details of the alleged physical and verbal abuse paint a disturbing picture of the family dynamics behind the scenes. Many hope that Doja Cat and her mother will find the legal assistance and emotional support they need to navigate this difficult situation.
As the case progresses, it remains to be seen how Doja Cat will proceed in seeking her own protection against her brother. This incident serves as a stark reminder that domestic violence can affect anyone, regardless of their fame or success.
For now, supporters of Doja Cat patiently await further updates on the case, hoping for a resolution that ensures the safety and well-being of everyone involved. “The Puck Drop” will continue to monitor this developing story and provide updates as they become available.