Title: Actor Accuses Mia Goth of Assault and Wrongful Termination on the Set of “MaXXXine”
In a shocking twist on the set of the upcoming film “MaXXXine,” background actor James Hunter has filed a lawsuit against actress Mia Goth, director Ti West, and production company A24. Hunter alleges that Goth not only assaulted him, but he was also wrongfully terminated from the project following the incident. Seeking a minimum of $500,000 in damages, Hunter claims battery and wrongful termination in the lawsuit.
Hunter’s role in the film lasted only three days. His character was required to lie on the ground while Goth’s character ran past him, stepped over him, and looked down. However, on the fourth take, Hunter alleges that Goth “nearly stepped” on him. Distressed by the dangerous situation, Hunter reported the incident to the second assistant director, who cautioned Goth to be more cautious.
Despite this warning, on the very next take, Goth allegedly “intentionally kicked” Hunter in the head with her boot. Shockingly, no medical assistance was offered to Hunter, and filming resumed after he reported the incident to both Goth and West. According to Hunter, the actress even mocked him in a private bathroom and taunted him about the incident.
As a result of the assault, Hunter experienced concerning symptoms associated with head trauma, including memory loss and confusion. Seeking medical attention, the actor’s worst fears were confirmed when a physician diagnosed him with a concussion caused by the kick to the head.
Representatives for Goth, West, and A24 have remained silent on the matter, refusing to offer any comments regarding the allegations made by Hunter. This silence has only fueled speculation and heightened public interest in the case.
The lawsuit emphasizes that these serious claims should not be taken lightly. With the potential of leaving a lasting impact on Hunter’s career and overall well-being, the actor is seeking justice and recompense for the resulting physical and emotional damage.
As the legal battle unfolds, fans and critics alike are eager to see how Goth, West, and A24 will respond to these grave allegations. The Puck Drop will continue to follow the developments closely and provide updates as more information comes to light.