Tamil cinema and political industry is mourning the loss of a beloved figure. Vijayakanth, also known as Narayanan Vijayaraj Alagarswami, has passed away at the age of 71. The popular actor and Desiya Murpokku Dravida Kazhagam (DMDK) political party leader had been battling illness for some time and recently tested positive for Covid before his demise on December 28.
Vijayakanth was a prominent face in the Tamil film industry, having appeared in 154 films throughout his career. He gained immense popularity and earned the moniker “Captain” from his iconic 1991 action movie, Captain Prabhakaran. Known for his charismatic performances and versatility, Vijayakanth captured the hearts of audiences with his remarkable acting skills.
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed deep sorrow over Vijayakanth’s passing. In a heartfelt tribute, Prime Minister Modi praised the actor’s incredible performances and his dedication to serving the public. Vijayakanth’s impact reached beyond the silver screen, as he ventured into politics and became the leader of the DMDK political party. His commitment to public service was highly admired by his followers.
Behind the camera, Vijayakanth was a family man. He is survived by his wife Premalatha and two sons, Shanmuga Pandian and Vijaya Prabhakaran. His family stood by him throughout his illness, providing love and support during his challenging times.
As news of Vijayakanth’s passing spreads, fans and colleagues from the film and political industry are paying tribute to the legendary actor and leader. Social media platforms are flooded with messages of condolences, expressing the void left behind by his departure.
Vijayakanth’s legacy will forever be remembered in Tamil cinema and politics. He was a true icon, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of millions. As the industry mourns the loss of a legend, his contributions to film and public service will continue to inspire generations to come.